Spine Issues That Occur As You Age
Back pain can be debilitating for many days, weeks, or even years. There are several common spine issues that can occur as you age. Luckily, with a little knowledge and exercise, you can avoid them. Read on to learn about some of the most common spinal issues that occur in adults. Not only are they painful, they're also treatable. If you have experienced back pain, it may be time to seek medical attention.
One of the most common spine issues in elderly people is spinal stenosis, which occurs when spaces in the spine become narrow. The narrowing of spinal canal can lead to severe spinal cord compression. This compression can damage nerves and cause numbness, tingling, or weakness. The condition can be caused by many conditions, including osteoarthritis, which wears down the cartilage that protects the joints. If you suspect that you're experiencing symptoms of spinal stenosis, you'll need to see your healthcare provider.
Another common cause of spinal cord injuries is car accidents. While the majority of new spinal cord injuries occur in auto accidents, falls and other traumatic accidents account for more than half of the total. Violence-related encounters account for 12% of all spinal cord injuries. Knife and gunshot wounds are common causes of injuries in older adults. Sports injuries and diseases are also responsible for 10% of spinal cord injuries. These injuries are also serious, but they don't have immediate symptoms.some time require top spine surgery Bangalore.
A spinal MRI scan is an additional diagnostic test. The MRI scan uses a strong magnet and radio waves to produce 2-dimensional images of the spine. This test is especially useful for detecting changes in the bony structures of the spine. A CT scan will also show soft-tissue damage and any spinal cord injury. MRIs are also an excellent way to diagnose a spinal cord injury. If you have any of these issues, you should consult a healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Although most common spine issues occur in people over the age of 40, it is important to see a doctor as early as possible. Some are not obvious and will take a while to develop, but if you're experiencing pain, you should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. You'll be surprised by how much improvement you can see with the right treatment. If the problem isn't reoccurring, it may be an indication that something is wrong.
Scoliosis is a condition that can result in uneven shoulders and one shoulder blade sticking out higher than the other. If left untreated, scoliosis can become more severe. Fortunately, braces can prevent this problem from progressing further. Even if you're not an adult, you'll likely suffer from it at some point. So, why wait? Take care of yourself today and get back to enjoying life!
Is Spinal Treatment Possible After Age of 60?
What happens when you have back pain? A spinal disorder called scoliosis can limit your ability to walk, move, or stand upright. Fortunately, treatments are relatively simple. Your doctor can prescribe medications, exercise, or surgery, depending on the severity of the condition. In addition to the physical therapy, your doctor can recommend a treatment for your back pain. The treatment depends on the severity of your scoliosis and whether it's curvature-related.
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